Monday 8 December 2008

Thursday 4 December 2008

Studio Diary Begins!

So here we have it, we finally have our own Caesars Rome camcorder!

Our first video diary of many:

Thursday 16 October 2008


So it's now October and time is flying.
We have approximately 6 weeks before we begin the record and its getting exciting.
From heated emotions and very difficult times for picking songs for the record.
It's proved to be an interesting time preparing for an album.

Rehearsals are gruelling and long, but it feels like we know each other as a band a lot more than we ever did.
The label have been a brilliant help and very understanding during the whole process.
We can't wait to be able to announce everything to you all!

In the new year we plan to be everywhere, magazines, TV screens and tours.
With some help from our friends we are going to make this happen.

The majority of us spend our free time oiling ourselves up with fruits of the forbidden tree which is alcohol to us welsh. A source of enjoyment with friends.
We all missed a birthday a weekend ago so we are going to do our best to make up for our lack of organisation!
For those who regularly go out in Cardiff where do you like to go, favourite places / drinks?

So i'll firmly conclude this post with the general band talk over and on a more general note:

So does anyone actually read our blogs?

It would be nice to see if anyone actually did!
So hit us up!


Friday 29 August 2008


So over the last few days, we have been sorting out our glorious tour monster that is the CR mobile!
She is beautiful in her own way.

After mountains and mole hills of sifting through all the many different insurance companies we have finally found the right deal for us! Taxed and insured she's on the road already!
Myself and Cocco have spent the last two days cosmetically fixing her up inside and out, carpet galore!

The only pitfall we have come across is that of a radiator hose leak!
Which means one thing, she's currently sitting outside a garage ready to be re-hosed ready for the road!

Our van pop's its cherry on Sept 4th with us as Caesars Rome where we support InMe!
Should be a good un!

So not a lot to update you all with at the moment, we are still waiting on some confirmations for our recording dates for the album!

The album title has been chosen, and will be announced very shortly!


Much love

and love hearing from you

Caesars Rome

Monday 21 July 2008

Heroes never die, they just re-load

So its been a busy few weeks at the band camp!
We've been constantly busy rehearsing and playing shows, which has been incredible.
It's been really great to get back on the stage again with a really solid line up and playing a long side great musicians has been a huge pleasure.

So we've had the opportunity of playing with and meeting some great new people.
We played with INNERPARTYSYSTEM at the end of June and that was incredible! Such a lovely bunch of people.

We then hot footed towards hitting the studio for the last batch of demos we are doing before we do the record and start hitting the gruelling realms of pre-production and tracking for the album.

We also played one hell of a show with Funeral For A Friend in our home town of Bridgend which was an unreal thing to be a part of!
We played to a sold out show, and all had an amazing buzz!
Then to round off our little warm ups we played aa show in Newport with our good friends in Ghostlines Ryan Richards of FFAF is also a member of this band!
Really good times!

So we currently have a month off shows at the moment before we see the summer out by getting on the road and touring the winter months in preparation for the album.
We are tying lose ends with legal matters and contracts and fingers crossed taxing and insuring our van ready for tour!

In other news im pre verbally cutting more anchors in the social life that enquires lady friends that oh so pull on my heart strings!
These damn problems that kept recurring should now vanish and evaporate into thin air, as i took the bull by its horns and said what i should have a long time a go!
I guess it all fuels the lyrical content!

Well thanks for taking the time to check out the blog!
Will keep you updated as we go a long!

Much love

Caesars Rome

Monday 23 June 2008


Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night!

To everyone out there from all over the world, thank you for taking the time to come check out our personal blog!

Here we are individually going to be able to update you all with everything that's going on with the band including Recording days, gig bookings, gig reviews and all the other things we could possibly tell you even personal things that involve every single one of us, as we all know it's easier to relate to people when you share the same moral dilemmas!

As i seem to be the one who roams the Internet a lot more than the other lads i guess i will be the main user of the blog!

So expect some tales of debauchery general band info and Lot's of fun!
If anyone has any questions obviously you'll be able to reply to the posts, but alternatively feel free to email us over at:

Look forward to updating you all and hearing from you!

Peace & Love

Jonathan x

Sunday 22 June 2008

A premature summer...

So the summer has begun for a lot of us!
A lot of our friends have already finished their university courses for the year and are planning their holidays and buying their must haves.

For us its going to be a summer full of hard work which we enjoy anyway!

We have some exciting times ahead;

On the 30th of June we are playing Cardiff Barfly supporting the pretty popular "Innerpartysystem" which we really cannot wait for!

6 days on, we hit the studio in Newport with our good friends Jeff & Ginge who are doing the last of our pre-production for our debut record that is still TBA!

July 10th sees us doing our biggest show in our careers which is main support for Funeral For A Friend its in assosication with the Samaritans in order to raise money and to show people around the world that Bridgend isn't what its been made out to be!

That show is going to be at the Bridgend Recreation Centre on Thursday July 10th, doors open at 7PM also supporting are a brilliant band from Newport called "Save Your Breath" well worth checking out!

In other news we are smack in the middle of organising an October tour as soon as we get some more information on that we'll update you all!

I'm going to stop ranting now, as I'm very new to this blogging business.

Good night one and all!


The Band

The Band
CR 2008