Monday 29 June 2009

Operations, communications, confrontations.

Hey guys, Jon here.

I just got out of hospital, I had keyhole surgery on my Left Knee this afternoon.
And I received some bad news....
The damage done to my knee is very extensive and i need to under go more surgery and have transplants of Cartilage and Bone to hopefully be able to repair the knee.

So its been a tough few hours to be able to digest.

Not sure what will be happening on the gigs front for a while as this may be putting me out of action. I'm not too pleased!
Obviously i will play the Funeral For A Friend show we have arranged as I will play in a chair if I have to!

We recently took a trip to West Wales last Friday to spend a few days in a Cottage. It was incredible to say the least, very nice vibe and we managed to create some fantastic soaring songs.
We came home earlier than expected but i was extremely happy with the outcome of songs we created.

More news to follow soon, as we plan to demo the songs pretty soon to forward to the label!
Unfortunately we have no updates on the Album and have no idea when it's being released or even finished.

I'll be uploading some video footage over the next few days of the cottage experience & of course many photos!
Keep looking out!



Unknown said...

shit dude thats rough, hope it gets sorted very soon... your knee and the album that is.


Caesars Rome said...

Cheers dude, things are looking up Album wise!

See new blog :D

The Band

The Band
CR 2008