Wednesday 12 August 2009

Gig preperation!

Hey all!

Well its been a while since ive done my own updates on here so i thought id tell you all weve been up to.

Weve just come back from our second rehearsal and writing session in the cottage, and apart from pulling the odd pranks and keeping out an intruding rooster called "Alexander" the trip has been a huge success. The songs for our EP have been selected and constantly rehearsed but we have also had creative juices flowing and wrote a couple more songs!

Jon has all the footage we took, and will be editing all the vids. The finished vids will be up soon, but we will return in late august to do our final rehearsals before we start work on recording. More on that very soon!

Now then!! Present Business....

Our gig with the mighty Funeral for a friend In Maesteg town hall has completely sold out!!! we cannot believe the response this has had on word of mouth alone! Thanks to everyone who bought a ticket and helped out for a good cause. We cant wait to see you all there on Aug 22nd and we promise a good show. Weve just come back from our set rehearsal for the show back in good old Manic studios and its all sounding great.

Keep watching this space and other spaces for more and more updates to follow!



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The Band

The Band
CR 2008