Wednesday 21 October 2009


Good morning everyone!

Well we played our first show of the Autumn/Winter last Saturday @ Hobo's Bridgend with some fantastic bands. We are once again starting to book up some shows for the remaining months of the year. If you head over to our Myspace Profile you can keep upto date with the show calender there!

Other news:

The album is 100% complete as we've mentioned previously, artwork is being pushed for completion asap, so the production and everything else can start to begin!
We are hoping that it will be out in January 2010!

The EP is still awaiting vocals, we've all been hit with a huge amount of other work involving the album which has halted the process of putting the finishing touches to the EP!
I thought i'd post an image of the artwork for the EP!
But you'll have to be rad and visit out page for that!

Which is:

There are many of you busy internet bodies on Twitter these days!

So follow us & me here: @caesarsrome / @jdhopkins

We will be updating you as soon as we can in regards to all the goings on here!



Melissa said...

I wish i lived in Wales so I could see you guys perform. When are you gorgeous guys going to come over to America and play in Hollywood, California??? Soon I hope. One day I will vist Europe and go to Bridgend just to see you guys perform. I thank David Williams from the band I.V in Vein & formely from the band The Dear & Departed, your cool lad for introducing me to your music. I'm so glad he did cause you all are so awesome! Keep up the good work. Can't wait for the EP to come out. I hope I can order it and have it shipped to California. Let me know if it's possible okay. I love you guys!!!

Cheers from Long Beach, California,
Melissa =)

Caesars Rome said...

Thank you so much Melissa. We appreciate it and are very thankful that you take the time to read our posts!
It's unreal! :)

We will get an EP out to you, especially, once it's available we will get in touch with you!
If you have any other questions please email us here:

The album will be out in January, and you'll definitely be able to get hold of that!

We really hope to make it out to the US especially California!
We'd love to play there!

Take care

Caesars Rome

The Band

The Band
CR 2008